Neighbourhood Up Dates

December 3, 2009
And How Is Your Neighbourhood?

Neighbourhood : District ; Vicinity ; People of a district . So goes the particular definition of the word from The Little Oxford Dictionary . But in the context of this piece Neighbourhood is meant to include much larger boundaries such as Town , City , Parish , County , Sate , Country , Continent , Planet , Solar System , Universe , etc.

Following are excerpts from articles taken from the internet dealing with two of the larger designations , Planet and Universe . Yeah , i know that while outside doing the back - yard barbecue or whatever doesn't generally bring such large issues into focus but maybe sometimes they should .  :-)

Marlowe Hood

 If Earth heats by four degrees Celsius -- some seven degrees Fahrenheit -- the planet we call home would become a very unwelcoming place. Even as some world leaders tamp down expectations for the December 7-18 UN climate conference, experts say the threat of a 4C (7.2 F) warming over pre-industrial times is all too plausible. Once that threshold is crossed, what might a four-degree world look like?

 Brace yourself.

Oceans have risen by at least a metre (3.25 feet), drowning several island nations and driving hundreds of millions of people in Bangladesh, Thailand and Vietnam and other delta nations to scramble for higher ground. Polar bears are a folk memory, starved to extinction in an Arctic where temperatures have soared by 15 C (27 F), nearly four-fold the global average.

Australia is routinely swept by white-hot fires of the kind that claimed 170 lives last February. A third -- perhaps more -- of the Amazon forest has been reduced to desolate shrubland, its treasure chest of flora and fauna decimated. Asia's eternal fountain, the Himalayan glaciers, are running dry. South Asia's precious monsoon, once reliable as clockwork, has become fickle, dumping too little or too much rain. A quarter of the planet's mammals are on a downward spiral toward extinction.

Science Fiction ? If Only

On November 16, an international team of scientists, the Global Carbon Project, said carbon emissions had surged by 29 percent from 2000 to 2008. This places Earth on track with the worst-case warming scenario put forward by the UN's Nobel-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), it said. Under its so-called "business-as-usual" forecast, voracious use of coal and other fossil fuels would see planetary warming of 4.0-to-6.4 C (7.2-to-11.5 F) by 2100 compared with 2000. To that, add another 0.74 C of warming that has occurred since the Industrial Revolution.

This would spell disaster for Earth's population, 6.7 billion today, on course for nine billion in 2050. "The carrying capacity of the planet could fall to one billion people or less," said John Schellnhuber, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany. In September, Britain's Met Office, a leading centre on climate change, said the 4.0 degree rendezvous could come as early as 2060 -- in time for you or your children to experience it first-hand. Crossing that threshold, they conclude, would send the misery index into unchartered territory.

Crossing that threshold, they conclude, would send the misery index into unchartered territory. In 2080, three billion people would struggle to find adequate water. Yields of the major crops that feed most of the planet today would shrink, some dramatically, resulting in chronic hunger for tens, possibly hundreds, of millions. Africa, where so many teeter today at or below subsistence levels, would be hit especially hard. For biodiversity, already on the cusp of the sixth major extinction in Earth's history, "a four degree world would be mayhem," said Pavan Sukhdev, a leading expert on the economics of ecosystems.

Even two degrees, if you break it down, would create regional catastrophes in many places," he told AFP. The loss of coral reefs -- which may be a foregone conclusion even at current levels of warming -- will leave half a billion people without livelihood. The good news, virtually all of these experts said, is that there is still time to halt the slide if greenhouse-gas emissions peak soon enough and fall thereafter.

But the window of opportunity is narrowing rapidly.

Future Neighbourhood Up Dates

I have set up a category specifically for this type of material so do drop by and check out the status of the neighbourhood and it's inhabitants ( if any ) from time to time . You are welcome to opine as Mr Riley says in the form of comments and opinion .


Antarctic Ice Sheets Loss Faster And Vaster Than Expected

November 23, 2009
PARIS (AFP) – The East Antarctic icesheet, once seen as largely unaffected by global warming, has lost billions of tonnes of ice since 2006 and could boost sea levels in the future, according to a new study.

Published Sunday in Nature Geoscience, the same study shows that the smaller but less stable West Antarctic icesheet is also shedding significant mass.

Scientists worry that rising global temperatures could trigger a rapid disintegration of West Antarctica, which holds enough frozen wa...
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The Us Dollar Bill and 2012 Symbolism

November 9, 2009
The Great Seal

   I don't know about you but most everyone I have ever known growing up in the United States has at one time or another pondered about the Great Seal image of the US on the back of a dollar bill . The official explanation for the various images included are readily available on-line so let's take a look at some of the “un-official” explanations being offered .

   The symbols themselves reflect the beliefs of the early founding fathers of the US and are generally related to t...
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2012 : The End Is Not Near ( An Alternative View )

October 13, 2009
    In the spirit of being impartial this site will present alternative view points regarding the 2012 theme as they are encountered . In the end of course everyone has to make up their own minds regarding the various 2012 hypothesis and some will be pro and some con and perhaps many ( like myself ) are still trying to decide ) .  :-)

   Posted: Thursday, October 01, 2009 7:03 PM by Alan Boyle

   Columbia Pictures

   An airplane flies into a scene of devastation in the movie "2012." Marketers ar...
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Native Prophecies (Part 2)

October 3, 2009
Hopi Elders

   The Hopi Indians of Arizona believe we are living in the fourth of seven eras and that there will be a great purification just before the start of the fifth world ( and like the Aztecs say the previous era ended in flood ) .. Frank Water's BOOK OF THE HOPI .

   Their first world ended by fire , the second ended when the earth teetered off balance ( pole shift ? ) and rolled over twice causing floods and an ice age and the third world ended in flood . The Hopis call the transitio...
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Native Prophecies (Part 1)

September 30, 2009

   The Mayan civilization flourished between 220 - 900 AD in Mesoamerica in an area basically encompassing Mexico , Guatemala , Belize , Honduras and El Salvador . The Mayans used a variety of calendars but our emphasis will be on two , the "tzolkin" or sacred Calendar and the Long Count Calendar .

   The Tzolkin is a 260 day system based on the period of human gestation . It is composed of twenty day signs , each of which can have thirteen variants and is similar to an Astrological Chart...
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2012 Prophecies

September 28, 2009
An Introduction

   When references are made to the 2012 genre and the various prophecies surrounding it they most always start with the Mayan view of events to come . And , truth be told that is the quintessential starting point but one soon realizes that the Maya are not the only participants among Native Cultures referencing 2012 .

   Though most identifiable with the Maya other native cultures such as the Aztec and Inca of Central America  , the  Hopi , Pueblo , Cherokee and Seneca of North...
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Antarctic Coastal Ice Shrinking Pace Suprises Scientists

September 23, 2009
This is a bit of an update on a previously published news item regarding the shrinking of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and it's potential consequences to those living along coastal areas world wide . The issue is not so much that it's shrinking as scientists have known that for sometime but the pace at which it is shrinking .

Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent  

OSLO (Reuters) – Scientists are surprised at how extensively coastal ice in Antarctica an...
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The UFO Question

September 21, 2009
Do You Believe In UFO's ?


Given the number of web - sites dealing with the subject matter apparently many people do believe in UFO's . When using the term UFO here i am referring specifically to the "space craft" variety and not to other anomalous producing objects .

 Is there in fact ANY scientific evidence to support such a believe ? No there isn't according to main stream science . So why do so many people continue to believe that they do exist even if never having actually seen one thems...

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Arctic Ice Cap Shrinking

September 12, 2009
 By MATT MOORE and SETH BORENSTEIN, Associated Press Writers ( Excerpted )


   FRANKFURT – Two German merchant ships have traversed the fabled Northeast Passage after global warming and melting ice opened a route from South Korea along Russia's Arctic coast to Siberia. Now the German-owned ships are poised to complete their journey through the cold waters where icebergs abound, heading for Rotterdam in the Netherlands with 3,500 tons of construction parts.

  They traveled from Ulsan, South ...
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About Me

Alan I am a 65 year old expat living in the Philippines with an interest in Archeology , Astronomy , Cosmology and weird things in general :-)
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